This deck is perfect for the following settings: at
restaurants. at work, on the street. at birthday parties. in tradeshows
or simply with good friends, THE PREDICTABLE CARD will adapt to your
setting. Perform with this BICYCLE Rider Back design deck and you will
leave a lasting impression on your spectator for a longtime to come.
The packaging is identical with a regular unmarked
deck of BICYCLE Rider Back cards. The marked cards are noticeable from
either end to help you easily identify its suit and value. A clear
reference chart inside aids you in learning the order of the markings.
It is available in red. This deck is a magical must for every aspiring
and professional magician.
The Effect
The spectator shuffles a deck of cards. The performer
asks the spectator to spread the cards and then point to any card.
After selecting a card. its placed on top of the cards. The spectator
removes the card for safekeeping and returns the other cards. The
performer places their hand over the cards and makes a verbal
prediction. After the performer predicts the card, the spectator shows
their card magically revealing the predicted card.
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